If you’re a high school student considering a career in the legal field, undertaking programs with a legal focus can help you gain practical knowledge, create networks, and better understand the law, and the workings of the judicial system. Another advantage would be your ability to make informed decisions about the courses you want to pursue in college!
This blog post will focus on law programs that are free of cost and which provide a range of opportunities from the daily workings of a trial/courtroom, to hands-on internships. For those passionate about law, or adjacent fields including political science, sociology, and international relations- these programs could help you navigate your academic and career goals.
Cost: None, stipend upon completion
Location: Penn Carey School of Law, University of Pennsylvania, PA
Application Deadline: Not announced for 2025
Program Dates:
- First Monday in July (based on 2024 dates)
- 4 weeks
Eligibility: Rising 10th and 11th grade high school students in Philadelphia (and surrounding counties).
The Provost Summer Mentorship program aims to increase access for first-generation underrepresented communities to colleges. Students get to choose from five professional schools at UPenn, including the Penn Carey School of Law.
If you are passionate about law, you will better understand the legal system and law as a profession. You will also have the opportunity to learn about financial literacy, digital literacy, life skills, and college application preparation. Additionally, you will be given daily lunch at the program, a stipend upon completion of the program, and a SEPTA TransPass for your daily commute.
Cost: Free, interns will be paid a stipend
Location: Manhattan, NY
Application deadline: March 12, 2025
Program dates: June 30 - August 1, 2025
Eligibility: High school students in grades 10, 11 or 12 living or attending school in Manhattan, New York
The Manhattan District Attorney’s High School Internship Program is for those wanting to understand the inner workings of the justice system. Working directly with assistant district attorneys, you will gain hands-on experience, attend workshops on criminal justice, and participate in group activities.
Through this five-week program, you will be involved in trials and trial preparations, learn evidence analysis, and understand the role of ethics. A highlight of this program is the mock trial, which will help you understand court proceedings and focus on honing your public speaking skills.
Cost: None
Location: Dallas, TX
Application deadline: April (as per 2024 timelines)
Program dates: Four or eight weeks, full-time or part-time (dates for 2025 not announced)
Eligibility: High school junior in ISD in Dallas
The Summer Law Intern program is a joint initiative of the Dallas Bar Association (DBA) and the Dallas Independent School District that was set up to provide internships for students interested in studying law or working in the legal profession. You will be assigned to a law firm or a corporate legal department within the Dallas area. These internships aim to provide a glimpse into the daily workings of such organizations and by extension into the legal justice system.
The firm you’re working with will provide a work schedule and a learning curriculum provided by the Dallas Bar Association culminating in a program reception at the end of the internship. It is mandatory to attend all events, orientations, and programs to encourage you to get as much as you can from this experience.
Cost: None, interns receive a stipend
Location: Atlanta, GA
Application Deadline: Applications will open in March 2025
Program Dates: June – July (as per 2024 dates) for 6 weeks
Eligibility: High school juniors and seniors studying in Atlanta high schools.
This program, from its inception in 1993, has had four goals: To provide work experience, foster a mentorship network within the Atlanta legal community, help spread knowledge about the law, and increase diversity and representation within the field.
Through hands-on experience, you will also gain insight into the justice system. In the past, there has been an Annual Intern Program Essay Contest where the winner gets awarded the Terrence Lee Croft Essay Award. This program sparked the Highest Heights Forever Initiative to provide financial aid to interns who went on to study for Law school and undertake their LSATs/ Bar review classes.
Cost: None
Location: Boston, Worcester and Springfield, MA
Application Deadline: Applications will open in Spring 2025
Program Dates: July- August (as per 2024 dates) for 6 weeks
Eligibility: Students enrolled in High schools in Boston, Springfield, and Worcester in grades 10, 11, and 12. Students must use the application for their city.
In this six-week program, through experiential learning, you will participate in several group activities including mock trials, group discussions shadowing professionals, and fieldwork.
Individually, you will have supervisors from varied backgrounds within the legal framework including judges, probation officers, lawyers, clerks, and more. As part of this program, you will undertake paid summer internships in local courthouses in the city you apply.
Cost: None, students will be paid $15 an hour
Location: Baltimore, MD
Application Deadline: April 5, 2025
Program Dates: June 23 - August 8, 2025 (tentative until January 2025)
- Students must attend a Baltimore City public high school and live in Baltimore City
- Currently be a sophomore or junior in high school
- Must be available to work 7 weeks full-time
The MYLAW summer program works to place students in law firms and law-related agencies. This real-world exposure to the legal profession can help you prepare for a career in the legal field. Along with the internship, you will also get to participate in the Law & Leadership Institute. This weekly seminar spans over 50 hours and is held at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law.
To help acclimatize you to a professional setting, and to remove any financial disadvantage, everyone will be outfitted and presented with professional attire to wear at the office. Apply here.
Cost: None, students will be paid a stipend to cover living expenses, further aid is available but varies as per the senator
Location: Will vary as per senators’ office
Application Deadline: Will vary as per the session/senator’s office
Program Dates: multiple cohorts in Spring (January-June), Summer (June- August), and Fall (September – January) Months as per 2024 timelines
- Students must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States and must have a social security number
- Juniors in high school who will be 16 or 17 years old
- minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0/B
- must be covered by health insurance else will need to enroll in a specified program
The Senate Page program is a selective program for those who want to explore the political atmosphere of Capitol Hill. With first-hand exposure to the legislative process, you will be responsible for delivering legislative material within Capitol Hill, preparing the Chambers for Senate sessions, and assisting as needed during roll calls and debates. Some even get to carry bills and amendments to the desk.
Being exposed to the daily workings of the legislature will also give you an insight into a career in law. Connecting with your senator in advance would be beneficial. Find the list of senators here.
Cost: None, stipend provided by employer
Location: New York City
Application Deadline: Applications for 2025 opened on November 25, 2024, deadline not specified
Program Dates: 6-8 weeks, June 18– August 28, 2025
Eligibility: NYC public high school students, students must put in 35-40 hours per week and work 5 days a week
This program provides students with the opportunity of an internship along with professional training. Employers include law firms, NGOs, corporations, and even government agencies. You will be given pre-employment workshops starting in March.
You will get to attend discussions, and workshops to help prepare you for a career in law. Internship duties will entail assisting paralegals and support staff, maintaining paperwork and records, and filing records. You will also be absorbed within internship programs/development programs offered at your employer’s office if you are eligible.
9. Lumiere Research Inclusion Foundation - Law Track
Cost: Free
Location: Remote
Application Deadline: Vary based on cohort: Spring (January), Summer (May), Fall (September) and Winter (November)
Program Dates: Vary based on cohort. Multiple cohorts including March-June, June-August, September- December, December- January
- Must be currently enrolled in high school
- High level of academic achievement (accepted students have an unweighted GPA of 3.3 out of 4).
The Lumiere Research Inclusion Foundation is a non-profit research program for students from low-income backgrounds. Similar to the Lumiere Research Scholar Program, which offers research opportunities for high school students, this organization aims to provide the same access to deserving students at no cost. You can apply here.
The Lumiere Breakthrough Scholar Program pairs talented high school students with PhD mentors. During this 12-week program, you will get to work 1-on-1 with your mentor, and a writing coach from your field on a research project which will culminate in an independent research paper. You can choose topics from various subjects including law and international relations. Apply here.
Cost: Full financial aid available
Location: Remote
Application Deadline: Multiple cohorts through the year (spring cohort deadline is February 9, 2025)
Program Dates:
- Multiple cohorts, spring cohort begins March 3, 2025
- 8 weeks, 5-10 hours per week
Eligibility: High school students, undergraduates, and students on a gap year
Founded by Harvard alumni, Ladder Internships aims to bring together students with start-ups in a field of their choice. Through this program, you can also work with a law firm or within the legal department of an organization and kick-start your academic journey in the legal field.
You will be guided by not only a managebutnd also a Ladder Coach. This 8-week program will end with a presentation of your findings. You can apply here.
David Wilkinson is a freelance writer for Horizon and currently resides in the United States.